If you continue to do similar thing in a similar fashion, you should expect similar results.
To grow, challenge status quo.


KGRM Team shall love to inject freshness in operations of a business house so that it is ready to look at new horizons. Prepare yourself to shift the gears.

KGRM Team offers its specialized services in following fields:

LFS Activation: Contribution of Large Format Stores in Indian business is increasing at phenomenal pace. With the advent of Cash & Carry stores, it is estimated 15% of Sales in Consumer durables & Food industry come through Large format Stores. KGRM Team shall assist Business Houses to get their products & brands listed in top most Large Format stores.

Institutional Sales: KGRM Team has contacts with more than 500 top Institutional Buyers. We call upon all Business houses to show case their products for these institutional Buyers. Our Team of professionals shall help in generating demands for your products in such sectors.

General Trade: KGRM Team also specializes in setting up of strategy to garner Market Share for brands in requisite markets. Team can assist in furnishing full strategy on Man Power, Product , Distribution channels & Scheme formulation for a brand. Selling with dignity shall be Mantra for all activities. KGRM Team specializes in Consumer durable industry.

We not only believe but also live by our objective: Building Better Future.